Monday, 11 March 2019

digital social media strategy development

The whole field of digital marketing strategy development and execution can be used to effectively build the brand of any business and get the message of the company out directly to key target market customers as well as business partners.

Considering Social Media Marketing, there are various platforms that can be used and proven to be effective for marketing; let's take a look at some of them that may be used for digital marketing agency strategy campaign execution.

Facebook Marketing : It seems that brevity is also preferred on Facebook where 40 characters and less seem to do best. Jeff Bullas conducted a study on retail brands on Facebook and found that short posts and particularly those below 40 characters would receive 86% higher engagement.

There are also other research data that show that posts that are on the shorter side tend to perform better when it comes to Facebook Social Media Marketing - this can be particularly true if the objective is to use ChatBot Marketing Agency strategies with the intention of getting clients over to the website for the artificial intelligence robot to take over.

One should bear in mind that people are generally in a hurry bouncing from post to post based on generic social media interaction and behaviour. With that in mind if content happens to be really long, chances are visitors will not spend the time to read and consumer all of the posts.

Using Google+ :
On Google+ your headline should be less than 60 characters. Not only does this serve to maximize the impact in terms of content but also the readability and appearance due to the way that Google+ works. If any piece of information or content happens to be too long; the system will automatically work to truncate the content otherwise it will appear on more than one line.

With all that has been said above; it should be noted that there is actual value to using longer than usual headlines bearing in mind that these longer headlines often appear to peak interest which leads to more people clicking through and reading the complete article.

The approach is to really strive to find some balance and to experiment with shorter and longer headlines in order to maximise effectiveness for your specific business needs.

When developing the content it should be born in mind that in general readers will be able to view the first sentence of the posts; keep this in mind and use this to draw readers in to click through and to read the complete posts.

Content Marketing And Blog Posts : While it's not social media per se - it work perfectly when we are focusing on social media strategy for your retail businesses, chances are that you'll be integrating your social media strategy with content marketing… So how long should a blog post be?

According to a site called 'Medium' the content that gets the most attention is 1,600 words, taking the average reader some seven minutes to read.

When it comes down to it; it appears that developing content that has a lot of depth to it and that provide real solid value to the readers who may well share the content and in turn may end up being paid customers.