Saturday, 11 April 2020

Search engine marketing for business websites

In the context of search engine marketing many business owners, marketing professionals and other individuals equate an optimized website to an internet presence that will results in impressive search engine ranking positionings [SERPs]. Some do not realize how difficult it is and just how much work is involved in obtaining not just first page rankings but overall decent rankings for given search keyword phrases especially when some of them happen to be used by other business in your market space and there are competitive keyword terms to have to deal with.

It has become so important to get quality search engine traffic coming to any business website and therefore it is wise to factor in time within the business development strategy that will focus on this aspect of the business. The field of search engine and social media marketing is a wide and complex one and one which continues to expand and evolve. It is for this reason that we see many companies focus of working with a business development marketing strategy consultant with an expertise in digital methods to guide them through this business essential – this may work in conjunction with the digital marketing strategy process that will be created to match up with the specific products and services that the organization is seen to be selling into the marketplace.

The fact is  that if any business is going to go on to achieve search engine rankings for competitive business products and services keyword terms – this will not be accomplished by simply executing what we call “keyword stuffing” by adding lots of keyword phrases to the company website pages.

If say a prospective customers performs an internet query for the company in question’s primary keyword phrases they will be presented with what is a descending list which will again consist of several pages deep of various websites that at some level would have been "optimized" resulting in varying degrees of success due to their ranking positions. The point here is to get to grips with various factors that determine what will be the main aspects that result in a website being ranked on the first few pages from those that end up not being so.

There are many contributing factors to ranking a website but for the sake of this article let’s classify them into two basic fundamentals :- "on page factors" and "off page factors." In the most basic aspect [working with a say bristol digital marketing agency will mean that they will deal with these technical aspects of the business], on page factors have to do with attributes within the company website and off page factors deal with those attributes that take place in other places on the internet – such as on a web 2.0 site or from another blog that may be privately owned.

When looked at in a particular manner we can say that on page factors tell the search engines what the business website stands for and is about, while one can say that the off page factors tell the search engines what the rest of the internet has to say about the company and its main portal.

Dealing With The On Page Factors : The first step is to come p with the keyword phrases that clients and customers search for as they are seeking out information related to core products and services that the organization sells into the market place at large. There are many many keyword tools but some such as Word Tracker and of course Google's own Keyword tool will tell just how many individuals are looking for a specific search term and then deliver suggestions that will be for related keyword terms.