Sunday 10 November 2019

digital marketing customer loyalty rewards

Given that most functioning [service type] businesses are looking to grow their customer [through executing defined lead generation strategies] base, expand the recognition of the brand and in turn grow and accelerate the sales of products and services. It is with the use of customer loyalty and retention programmes that we see some of the most successful companies in the world accomplish the above.

When we refer to some of the more traditional ways of retaining customers and for encouraging them to come back into the business to in fact buy more; it is in relation to Customer Loyalty Programs for Small Businesses that we bring in the digital marketing component as this is how [with the appropriate use of technology] that they will be able to compete with some of the larger companies who are seen to be making use of such methodologies in order to maintain a competitive advantage.


So when we speak of the more traditional ways of implementing coupons and deals as well as operating customer retention and loyalty awards schemes we see that printed materials are used; as an example each time a cup of coffee is purchased then the cashier can mark off and verify the purchase so that when [say 5] a set amount of purchases has been made then something free can be given, In the case of a coffee shop it could be that for every four cups of coffee made within say a week then a free cup of coffee could be given to the customer.

When we refer to the use of technologies then this is where working with a full service digital marketing agency can really help a small business to get things implemented. As an example - instead of printing out cards and flyers; if the awards system could be implemented via the customer's mobile phone then this would lower the cost of implementation and allow the company to have more flexibility in terms of getting its digital marketing customer loyalty rewards system up and running.

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