Tuesday 11 February 2020

search engine marketing ranking process and business development

Part of the function of the search engine robots and spiders is to go on to return all of the information that it learns from visiting a particular company’s website and this is then in turn deposited into a central database, here the data is indexed and kept in place for future reference.

Note that all of the links destinations that the company has within the content on its website will get indexed as well – so it makes send to be sure to ensure that relevant content is referenced – it may be worthwhile spending the time working with a full service digital marketing agency in order to reference other relevant content that is to be found on the same organisation’s website. 

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Some robots and spiders will only index a certain amount of pages on any given website, with that said it is wise to take note of the number of pages that is actually built on a given website as the referencing of these pages will need to be taken into consideration.

As a part of the search engine marketing and ranking process the robots will periodically return to the company website in order to check for any of the information that has been modified or made more relevant. The amount of times that this happens is actually determined by the design and algorithm that has been designed into the search engine.

A search engine spider can be viewed like a book which comes with an index or table of content, it contains the actual content and the contextual links and references for all the company websites that is comes across during its content scouring process. Depending on the social media search engine marketing process that has been developed, this could end up running into numbers that run into the million pages a day that have been indexed.

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When a potential customer makes a query via the search engine to locate information, news or other content that may related to a business brand, products, goods and other services – the engine actually searches through its indices which was created during its robot enquiry and not by actually searching the internet. Different search engines will therefore produce different ranking results due to the fact that not all search engines use the same algorithm and in addition to this they will have different indices that they look to in order to determine the rankings.

All of the above are to be incorporated into a SalesProcess & Business Development Consulting Service along with the digital marketing agency’s expertise that is applied to the organization. In addition to this note that one of the things that search engine algorithms scan for is the frequency and location of keywords on a company website and associated pages, but it is important also to note that these sophisticated algorithms are also able to detect over use of certain keywords or what is called spamdexing.

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In conclusion, in addition to all that has been said – the algorithms also analyze the way that content pages link to other pages both on the main company website as well as to other content pieces found other places on the internet.

A part of the digital marketing agency process will be to check how the pages link to each other, these expertly programmed and sophisticated algorithms are able to both determine what the content of the business is about, so then it is important to ensure that the keywords of the destination linked pages are similar in subject matter to the keywords on the originating page.


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