Thursday, 26 December 2019

digital marketing with a focus on search engine promotion techniques

The field of search engine marketing is constantly changing, marketing a business using the search engines has become more complicated and many of  methods that were used to rank business websites that worked in the past no longer function. Merely purchasing backlinks or performing the swapping of links was in the past an effective techniques for putting a company website in from of keyword search results, but in this day and age it is possible that this specific technique can serve to get a company website penalized.

Using lots of the same keywords with a webpage was once commonplace, now it is actually advised not to do this ! This is one reason why companies search out the best full service digital marketing agencies as they will be up to date with most of the latest changes when it comes to using the internet to market products and services. With this last point in mind, let's take a look at some of the digital search engine marketing techniques that are seen to work well.

collect reviews via Google Customer Reviews
Building high quality link profiles using specific keywords phrases that may well be defined by a strategic digital marketing consultant which will be based on the phrases that customers type into the search engines. A part of a digital marketing agency in london strategy will involved searching for high quality product and service specific links that that may be on various blogging sites. Then the content marketing professionals can offer to write blogging articles posts for the other non competing organisation; this can be executed in exchange for being mentioned by the company owning the blog.

ChatBot Marketing Agency
This method of promoting a business has been called "guest posting" and many experts and experience also demonstrates that this method of connecting with existing customers and generating new business leads remains one of the most reliable forms of building quality company, brand as well as product and services focused links that related back to the company website that exists within the digital marketing strategy development and execution field today.

Appointment Reminder Software
Now, if there happens to be another website that is specifically operating in the same market sector of a particular business looking to expand itself on the internet and; this website seems to be getting lots of traffic and the objective of mimicking that success has been developed, one can make use of a backlink checker to research where that business website has received its back link from.

Now, the strategic digital marketing consultant will be able to advise the content writers which process to use in order to reach out to the other website owners identified from the research with a view to building links from the same place that the competing business website did, this can be done in the form of guest posting as identified above.

If the competing website has gotten links and references from those sources then it stands to reason that that those website owners are in fact valuable in the eyes of the search engines and the site owners are receptive to this form of internet marketing exchange.

Saturday, 21 December 2019

strategic email digital marketing for companies

Many of the business people who run a company often do not understand completely how important getting the most out of website visitors is to the operation of the business. For proof of this just go and take a look at all the companies using Paid Internet Advertising [some people call this PPC] as part of a full service digital marketing agency in london strategy plan in terms of search engine marketing. These advertisements will serve to bring potential clients to their company website for sure but the internet business development plan is to make sure they make the most out of the people coming to the business internet website in terms of digital lead generation.

We see that some companies actually run contextual advertising on their business website in order to generate some additional income; however in terms of email lead generation and thinking of things from a strategic digital business development perspective this may well not be the most effective method to adopt in order to generate incremental revenues from internet traffic from a long term view.

A better digital marketing strategy is to add the site visitors to an email marketing database, this will have the effect of the company being able to bring visitors back to the company website over and over again and, with this method whilst working with a strategic business development consultant marketing professionals are able to promote good and services by using a full service digital marketing agency direct marketing process.

So with that scenario in mind, how does one go about getting website visitors to actually opt in to an email marketing list ? This is something that will be factored into any quality top level digital marketing strategy that can be developed with a marketing consultant or other company professional who acts as a advisor.

Thursday, 12 December 2019

digital marketing training for companies

It really does not matter what generation a business leader comes from - there can be no arguments or debates in terms of the go to market business development activities of organisations having to include levels of social media and search engine marketing; that is to say >>> using the internet in order to take an active part [the level will of course depend on the nature of the business] in terms of customer acquisition, lead generation, product marketing and brand building which will all have an active part in terms of generating more sales of products and services which is directly correlated to revenue generation.
So with this in mind, the question that is often asked by management of companies is how to keep on top of all of the changes that are seen to be taking place within the world of marketing a business on the internet. There are of course many ways to accomplish the above aspect of business strategy development but in general; any corporation can choose to actively take part in digital marketing training for companies programmes that will enable them to gain a competitive advantage within the marketplace. This competitive advantage has now become a business imperative due to the fact that more and more clients are tied to their smart phones and mobile devices looking news, information, comparisons and other content that are all related to products and services that will be purchased in the future.

So - above we see a classification of company that will choose to take on the digital marketing skills within the organisation so that they can readily and speedily take action in terms of analysis the market, performing keyword research and producing content which of course all have a bearing on the rankings of company websites based on the types, quality and quantity of links that are found within such content that may come in the form of articles, blog posts and press releases. Some of the above tasks can become quite technical and it is for this reason why we see that a full service digital marketing agency is utilised in order to allow the organisation to focus fully on their core competencies. Which ever direction is taken in terms of using internet marketing agencies or bringing in internet marketing training experts and consultants - will depend on the type of industry or market segment that the company is seen to be operating within.

Other factors will relate to the stage of the products that are within the marketplace and all tie into email marketing strategy development. Communicating with people via their inboxes that are to become paying customers is proven to be made use of in order to nurture prospects over a particular period of time in order to move them eventually to become company advocates. In line with this - as we continue to move firmly more and more deeply entrenched in the internet marketing world where customers expect to find all that they wish to know about a company using the digital marketing channel. This will give rising needs for search engine and social media marketing agencies in line with continued training and up skilling in the field of digital marketing strategy implementation.

Saturday, 16 November 2019

Using a Full Service Digital Marketing Agency

Before going into the discussions in relation to just why any company may look to get assistance in terms of using the internet for business promotion and advertising, it is worthwhile considering just how the world has changed in terms of how much things revolve around the use of technology in general and with this in mind we can see just how much consumers use the internet for market research and in so many cases the decision as to which company business is conducted with is made. It can be said that almost all businesses that are looking to expand the scope of their reach, to use the internet for lead generation and to also allow clients to experience products and services provided by organisations into the marketplace.

It is based upon the discussion above that more and more companies are looking to work alongside a full service digital marketing agency to help them to navigate the maze that is business internet marketing. Before continuing it is worthwhile stating that any go to client digital business promotion plans will consist of a combination of search engine as well as social media marketing strategies and tactics. In terms of search engine marketing we can consider the [now] fact that most purchase decisions start with a simple internet search - this relates to top level business development effects as any company will wish for its main company website along with associated internet portals and properties to be presented to potential clients in order to function as lead generation, customer education in relation to the building of the brand and promotion of key products and services that the customer will have expressed interest in due to the fact that they have performed specific internet searches.

It is worth mentioning here that the basis of ranking company website pages is based upon that of the creation and publication of relevant content - such content will contain links - again these links [hyperlinks] will be based on that which would have been typed into the search engines [a full course of keyword research will be conducted at the outset of the digital marketing makeover strategy business development project - this will provide the basis for which content should be created] and via a complicated algorithmic process; websites are ranked based on the quality of content [articles, blog posts, videos, emails, PDFs etc etc] that is found and interlinked all around the various internet portals. Before we move on - please note that of course there is much more than that touched on above when it comes to search engine marketing.

Social media marketing is again based on content that should be used as a basis for conversations, groups and broadening the scope of the business within the various social media networks. The content determined from the keyword research and used for SEM can be used for social media marketing advertising and promotions and when we combine the two [search engine and social media] marketing techniques above in combination with video marketing we see the powerful effects of growing the brand equity [there may be different branding messages relating to different products and services] of the company looking to dominate within the various internet social media and search engine channels.

Note that all of the above content keyword research and publication along with targeted linking needs to be carried out on an ongoing basis - it is for this reason that any quality full service digital marketing agency is now in high demand - partnering with a quality internet business company will pay back in dividends which will assist the company in marketing, advertising and promoting its goods through channels on the internet for business and revenue growth. It will also allow the hiring company to focus on customer satisfaction and improving the quality of its goods and services.

Wednesday, 13 November 2019

small business marketing strategy and business development

There are many lessons that any of the many smaller business found throughout the world [give the changes in the various economies with job security of the past being lost] can learn by looking at the way that large corporates operate in terms of they way they operate on a daily basis in terms developing their current products and services; continually analysis the marketplace in order to look for opportunities to develop new offerings and for driving up levels of customer satisfaction.

In addition to the above there is the increased focus and attention that now needs to be made when it comes to dealing with the ever diversified and changing world of digital marketing. When it comes to marketing a business on the internet - this should be noted at this point that this encompasses the fields of social media and search engine marketing and all that this way of communicating with clients [video, blogs, emails and other forms of content] that is necessary based on the classification and type of customer. This class of customer will be documented based on the upfront market research that will be conducted - all of this business marketing strategy and business development discipline serves to act as a foundation for a strong business.

One of the components of business development that some of the most cherished companies focus on and as we make efforts to relate this to small business marketing strategy and business development; we see that they as a matter of process continue to refine the customers and clients that they are marketing to. In other words they really understand the "who" the products and services that they develop are for. With this in mind the ongoing marketing messages that will be pushed down through defined marketing channels - will be targeted. In addition to being targeted - they will be funneled through the channels to market that matter to the customers.

As an example if a small business marketing development organisation is looking to service another functioning business that operates within a particular market sector, they may wish to push their marketing messages in various trade journals and industry specific magazine. This direct marketing channel will ensure that all of the people who are interest in the developed products and services will gain exposure to the desired information. In turn this may act as part of a lead generation plan and bring these prospects through a defined process that may well end up with them becoming paying customers.

In addition to the above - we will at some point have to deal with building the brand of the company using the internet and for this working with a full service digital marketing agency may be the method to utilise. Not to say that the company in question could not effectively in time advertise the organisation on the internet - the point being made is there is a need to factor in channel marketing, market segmentation, channel marketing, business branding as well as ideal client profiling into the development and execution the internet based promotions.

With the complexities involved and with the background experience that a social media and search engine marketing agency may have; working experts who are not emotionally involved in the business - will in most cases assist the business in reaching desired objectives in a shorter period of time that they otherwise would. So in conclusion we advocate looking to the best practices of successful companies and if necessary - work with expert partner companies in order to accelerate the time taken to get the products and service into the hands of target market customer.

Monday, 11 November 2019

Digital Marketing Agencies Help With Business Development

The act of effectively marketing a business on the internet is indeed a complex one; the field of digital marketing comprises many specific and active fundamentals some of which are key to the success or the failure of any go to market digital campaigns. Virtually every type of business will need to have a presence when it comes to being seen within the various social media marketing portals as well as being relevant when it comes to search engine marketing.

Search Engine Marketing is the field of working to ensure that company websites or various Web2.0 or blogging platform posts being found by customers after they have keyed in specific search phrases within the search engines that related to the product and services that any company in question develops and sells into the market place at large.

If we take the topic of search engine marketing as a standalone entity then as a fundamental there will be keywords analysis, this results of this analysis that will have to take place at the outset of any go to market digital campaign will be used as a foundation for the necessary written content that will come in the form of blog posts, defined email marketing campaigns and can also be used for developing marketing videos.

The content that has been developed for use in ranking company websites can also be cross used with social media marketing for both quality content posting as well as being used as a basis for developing marketing and advertising campaigns. With all that has been mentioned above, this serves as some of the reasoning behind why any company that may be seen to be operating with a given market sector will choose to work with a full service digital marketing agency that will be able to fulfill all of the necessary digital marketing tasks for the organisation.

The content will have to modified along with the marketing funnel and the specific internet marketing channel that will be used to communciate with the customer and all of this will tie in to the type of business. This could be service type businesses such as beauty salons or; car repair operations as well as coffee shops or even restaurants and diners.

Certain business types can see customers make multiple purchases within a day [such as the traditional coffee shop or even sandwich shops or cake shops] and therefore any search engine social media marketing agency plan would of course be developed accordingly and; the expert digital marketing agency will be able to assist with setting any particular direction.

As the digital marketing world continues to evolve aloing with the increasing advancement in technology in general - it is proposed that the trend of working with external social media search engine marketing companies will continue to rise.

Sunday, 10 November 2019

digital marketing customer loyalty rewards

Given that most functioning [service type] businesses are looking to grow their customer [through executing defined lead generation strategies] base, expand the recognition of the brand and in turn grow and accelerate the sales of products and services. It is with the use of customer loyalty and retention programmes that we see some of the most successful companies in the world accomplish the above.

When we refer to some of the more traditional ways of retaining customers and for encouraging them to come back into the business to in fact buy more; it is in relation to Customer Loyalty Programs for Small Businesses that we bring in the digital marketing component as this is how [with the appropriate use of technology] that they will be able to compete with some of the larger companies who are seen to be making use of such methodologies in order to maintain a competitive advantage.


So when we speak of the more traditional ways of implementing coupons and deals as well as operating customer retention and loyalty awards schemes we see that printed materials are used; as an example each time a cup of coffee is purchased then the cashier can mark off and verify the purchase so that when [say 5] a set amount of purchases has been made then something free can be given, In the case of a coffee shop it could be that for every four cups of coffee made within say a week then a free cup of coffee could be given to the customer.

When we refer to the use of technologies then this is where working with a full service digital marketing agency can really help a small business to get things implemented. As an example - instead of printing out cards and flyers; if the awards system could be implemented via the customer's mobile phone then this would lower the cost of implementation and allow the company to have more flexibility in terms of getting its digital marketing customer loyalty rewards system up and running.

Thursday, 7 November 2019

implementing customer loyalty programs

When it comes to making the success out of any business, it means gaining a competitive advantage within the marketplace and to offer real value to target market customers and clients that the business hopes will come back into the business time and time again in order to continue to purchase products and services. In terms of gaining and maintaining a competitive advantage there are many tools and techniques within the digital marketing, social media and search engine tool kit that can be used to achieve the desired objective of the business.

If we are to find ways to make a success then it makes sense to take a look at that which the most admired companies are doing and when it comes to growing revenues; we see that implementing customer rewards and loyalty programs have been seen to cause customers to come back into the business time and time again, in addition to this we see that such programs cause customers to inform friends, colleagues and family about their positive experiences and therefore these people also give their purchase decisions to the company.

So with that said, we know that large corporates have large revenues and resource to invest in loyalty rewards programs but the question is often asked as to how to implement small business customer loyalty programs in order to be able to compete on some level in terms of retaining customers and rewarding them for their business.

Thankfully as digital marketing technology continues to progress - the smaller business owners are now able to gain some traction within the market place by using digital based customer retention strategies, this means that they do not have to take on all of the expense of printing cards and coupons but these can be implemented within the cloud and often executed using the customer's mobile phone.

Whatever the business, we are seeing as a trend those that operate in different market some of which we will reflect upon later on within this article - we see many of these companies choosing to work with a full service digital marketing agency to assist with any movement or direction in terms of implement digital customer retention strategies which may include a component of social media and search engine marketing.

Now, it is with that in mind we do know that being able to bring customers back into the organisation on a regular basis is something that will benefit certain types of businesses such as coffee shops, beauty salons, car repair and other retail operations will benefit from by rewarding customers with further discounts and free products for certain purchase amounts - think buy three coffees and get one free ! The question is, what directions will you be able to take your business in with the strategic implementation of a structured customers loyalty and rewards programme ?

Saturday, 2 November 2019

google business reviews and the link to reputation management

From looking at the history books we know that a company can be see to be doing so well in terms of selling products and services and providing excellence in terms of customer service only for things to come toppling down all due to some bad publicity given by unhappy customers or just down to some unfortunate sequence of events that leads to customers boycotting the organisation.

So to the title of this article; we live in a digital marketing world where in so many cases it is that which people read on the internet in terms of what they are lead to believe about a product, service or ...

... the company that produces those products that will lead on to them becoming paying customers or even actively going out of their way to make sure that others to not give their business to a company in question.

It is with this in mind that companies now should be taking positive steps and actions in terms of harnessing the power of reputation management marketing in terms of actively collecting google business reviews from customers instead of merely leaving it to chance for customers to log in to google and to say how happy they have been with the service they have received. In most cases companies do not as a matter of process actively ask customers to go to google and to leave google business reviews as they do not have a functioning customer comments system in place.

This is where the use of a google customer business reviews platform comes into play so that companies can have their customer facing staff to actively interface with customers at the point of sale and to actively request that on the spot they go ahead and leave their high customer satisfaction ratings.

One of the best way to improve reputation management marketing for companies is to make use of the mobile phone through which to communicate with them; by actively asking then a larger percentage of customers will actively participate in boosting any company's digital [search engine and social media] marketing presence due to the fact that those google my business reviews have been seen to be one of the main information points that customers use before the make a purchase decision.

Monday, 14 October 2019

AI Chatbots For Customer Support And Service

In recent years as the world of digital marketing continues to progress at a rapid rate, we are now seeing some of the top companies in the world choosing to direct a percentage of the necessary customer service and support that needs to be undertaken on a daily basis through the use of artificial intelligence chatbots.

One of the reasons why AI Chatbots For Customer Support And Service is on the rise is based on the amount of time that has to be dedicated to dealing with issues, questions and queries that customers have and direct towards the company in question on a daily basis.

With the use of chatbots for customer service and support that works in line with the company's social media and search engine marketing strategy. It is important to make it clear that companies who choose to make use of these latest chatbot digital marketing strategies will work with these in conjunction with existing human customer facing support staff whether they interface with the end user customers on the phone, in person, through email or maybe by answering letters that come in via the post.

Now, all companies do look to refine their go to market activities at regular times and with the use of artificial intelligence based digital marketing chatbots - they will be able to use all of the data that has been generated by interaction with the messenger bots to assist with the future shaping of business development strategy planning.

These technologies will be put to work tirelessly twenty four hours a day for the company in question and will continue to learn and adapt in terms of that which the customer most desires.

Wednesday, 2 October 2019

voice marketing - amazon alexa flash briefings

The world of digital marketing is moving forwards at an alarming pace with so many methods that companies can make use of in order to communicate with their target market end use customers seeming coming into play on an almost weekly basis. We do know that people turn to the internet in general and specifically channels within the internet such as google search, youtube and social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Wordpress and so on an so forth.

With that said one of the most incredible digital marketing channels to have opened up in recent years is set to enable to companies to really take their message to wherever they wish - that is if they first recognise the voice marketing opportunity and send, if they go on to take the necessary steps that are needed in order to tap in to Amazon's system and update customers with quality information which they will in turn receive via the amazon devices that they have installed within their homes or company office spaces.

Voice Marketing With Amazon Alexa Flash Briefings :-
The first question to ask is; why would any company take time out to develop customer communications go to digital marketing plans that focus on delivering the company's core value proposition such as expanding brand equity via Amazon's Alexa users. The first thing to state is that using Amazon Alexa Flash Briefing Voice Marketing allows companies to tap into 100s of Millions Alexa Users - from a strategic business development perspective - this form of digital marketing can be used companies to let millions of Amazon Alexa target market customers listen to marketing content as they choose directly through their amazon devices which can be found both within households and companies alike.

This widespread installation allows for the ultimate direct marketing communications using voice and takes on the scope of both business to business as well as business to consumer marketing.

With the world of digital marketing continuing to evolve - companies, marketing professionals, entrepreneurs, small business owners and anyone looking to get their marketing message out to the world - they are encouraged to take a close look at that which Amazon Alexa Flash Briefings can do to promote, market and advertise their business.


Sunday, 22 September 2019

digital marketing and building a business brand

When it comes to building a distinctive brand using the internet which could be for a company blog or a business website, many marketers and other entrepreneurs make use of a digital marketing agency for small business uk and may well use the strategy of building the company blog all based on themselves.

Put another way; if we take a look at various industry leaders in business and other well known bloggers, we are able to see that these well known people are in part that which actually promotes and sells the products and services that are associated with the brand in question. Customers and clients listen to these industry leaders due to the fact that they actually trust them and in some cases they feel as though they know them.

It is not completely necessary to have images of oneself all over the internet but for sure - making people know what you look like will for sure serve to open doors and other opportunities with respect available go to market techniques that can be made use of. If someone is looking to utilise video marketing in order to promote a business [as an example] or product or service then there may well be a need to actually be in front of the video camera. We are able to say the same when it comes to audio podcasting. Expanding on this topic more when it comes to personal branding - having the person being the brand within the video as a face makes things much more memorable, engaging as well as trustworthy and as a result in terms of marketing it can help to make things more effective as a result.

The question is - what does someone have to do in addition to employing a reputable digital marketing agency for small business uk in order to become the person that customers want to listen to and to conduct business with ?

Steps to build business trust and authority :  In terms of business marketing strategy development if one is going to get behind the video camera with a view to talking about the company's mode of marketing; products and services - then they will need to be the type of individual able  to inspire confidence from the target market clients and customers.

In addition to this where there happens to be images of the spokesperson for the business on the company website, then they will need to make sure clients view the spokesman as a person that they want to learn from. The question to ask is - exactly what is the strategy to accomplish this ?

Saturday, 14 September 2019

Facebook Digital Social Media Marketing Strategy Development

Facebook marketing now is being seen to play a key part within the effective development and execution of digital marketing makeover campaigns. This of course is a combination of search engine as well as social media marketing strategies that are used to build the brand and to put products and services details in front of those target market sectors.

Consider these points in relation to Effective Facebook Marketing Strategies for Businesses that will aid in more effective digital marketing now - bear in mind that we are looking to add the Facebook Marketing pixel to our company website so that we can execute retarget marketing campaigns. Now considering that a customer has visited the company website and that they now have been retargeted due to the fact that the Facebook pixel has interacted with the visiting browser.

A) Companies are able to produce more product / service sales
Target marketing customers who already know about a company's brand presence are more likely to purchase products and services from the company in question when compared to those who are not familiar with the company.

Now, if the business makes strategic use of a digital marketing agency for companies marketing to help them to achieve excellence when it comes to Creating a Facebook Marketing Strategy most likely as we do a marketing and sales funnel will be put into place to work for the organisation, they can go on to put into place various tools and techniques in order to move customers through from the top of the marketing funnel which classified as the awareness stage right down through to the end of the funnel which we term as the conversion point. The process what we now call "retarget marketing" helps the company to effect more sales by actually moving customers down through strategic marketing funnel.

B) Get more to turn into paying customers
Executing marketing campaigns making use of facebook retargeting assists the company with its conversion rates. As customers move steadily through the marketing and sales funnel, company conversion rates will be seen to increase. Target market clients may well see the organisation's ads many times, so they know the company and this in turn works to build up trust.

C) Lower advertising costs
By making use of higher conversion rates in combination with advertisements that have been optimized, the actual cost of advertisements will end up being lower. The reason for this is due to the fact that Facebook actually rewards business advertisers with high ad engagement and conversion rates. Now, with the cost of advertising that is not as high as it otherwise would be, the marketing professionals can then look into ramping up the number of marketing campaigns that they run with a view to reaching even more target market customers.

As we continue to base larger percentages of strategic digital marketing on the foundation of facebook, then making use of these tips above will help any marketer or company looking to get the most out of marketing on the internet.


Monday, 2 September 2019

Gaining The Trust Of Audiences & Customers With Social Media Marketing

Using Digital Marketing to build a company's brand is largely about building and maintaining the trust of those have already become customers and of those who the business is looking to bring in as a new customer using a coherent digital marketing agency strategy to experience the products and services of the organisation in question.

It should be said that it is one thing to be able to reach out to a huge audience but that will count for nothing if the target market segment audience is simply going to ignore all online content published by the company.

It is for this reason that it is really very important that the marketing department of the company does everything that they can to build the trust of their prospects and customers and to continue to establish the company as experts in their market place.

How would a business go about maximising their social media marketing activities ? Methodology For Building & Developing Trust : The 1st thing to bring to mind when it comes to building trust and authority making use of social media marketing as well as a good platform allow the business to collect google reviews platform for business is that it will take time to accomplish.

Note that achieving the desired objective is not going to be something that happens overnight in terms of build the brand of the company and effectively communicating its core value proposition and is definitely something that will need to be developed and built upon.

As we continue it should be said that Hiring a Business Strategic Consultant is something that various types of organisations should really consider. Now; In the first instance when target market segments read your the company's search engine and social media marketing content - it could be that those target market customers actually do not effectively engage with the published content that is designed to showcase products and services using strategic digital marketing.

It will be the objective of the company to get prospects to stop and take note of the digital marketing content - which will serve to bring customers down into the marketing funnel. This will culminate in prospects becoming paying customers.

When customers continue to take note of the content quality of the company it will in time embed itself into their memories however – this will only become effective if the strength of the brand message is high. In other words they might remember that they enjoyed the post you shared last time and therefore they might decide to pay attention to you in future.


Saturday, 3 August 2019

Social Media Search Engine Marketing Services For Businesses

As we continue to see that the search for products and services tend to start with the use of a computing device, this could be a mobile phone, table, smart device, laptop or good old fashioned desktop computer. Very often the quest to determine what to purchase commences with entering a query into the search engines; depending on the results potential customers will be lead to related ...
  • Websites
  • Blogs
  • Articles
  • Videos
  • Social Media
    • Twitter
    • Facebook
    • Blogger
    • Tumblr
    • Reddit
    • Youtube
... or if strategic digital marketing services for companies has been implemented the company's products and services will be served up to prospective clients i.e. customers may end up clicking on results served up in the search engines and end up directly on the company website.

Now; when we talk about businesses getting strategic digital marketing for businesses [which we defined as a combination of search engine and social media] working for them; we refer to ensuring that the top level business development strategy is effectively implemented within using the internet as a channel in order to effectively connect the core value proposition of the organisation through to the end user clients, which in turn will through carefully planned marketing "funnels" and "flow patterns" will culminate in sales and additional revenues.

As companies look to focus on their core competencies, this is where the use of digital marketing agencies such as Capid Houser comes into play, they provide consulting, training and ongoing strategic search and social media marketing marketing services for companies. The service offering commences with keyword research, this research is based on the core value proposition and centred on the products and services that the company wish to draw the attention of clients to.

Sitting on top of the foundation of keyword research is that of content creation and distribution, the content can of course come in many forms to be used for micro blogging, blogging, videos, emails, press releases, articles and more depending on the needs of the organisation.

As users needs and thought processes are in a constant state of flux, we need to continually modify that which we produce in order to provide correlation, which is where the ongoing keyword research comes into play. On top of that there is a need for business to focus on Strategies to Promote Positive Google Customer Reviews as well as social media interaction of potential customers, potential joint venture partners, influencers and the media all designed to widen the digital marketing footprint in order to raise the visibility of the organisation within the search engines and amongst the growing numbers of social media users.

Wednesday, 17 July 2019

Increasing Business Brand Equity & Marketplace Loyalty

Building a business brand consists of many different components and it is not merely focused on getting more current and potential clients to visit the company's website which will of course in turn lead to the creation of more opportunities in relation to marketing the brand, products and services of the company in question.

One other important point to note when we approach matters when we are looking to develop an effective marketing strategy [which is one reason why companies may continue to make the most out of a freelance marketing consultant uk] is that one of the reasoning behind having a business brand in the first place is so that the company will be in a position to bring in more and more [repeat] customers in order to be able to make the most out of positive experiences that they have had in interacting with the company with the anticipation that they will gain even more with future
purchases of products and services.

In essence when it comes to business strategy development, in order to accomplish some of the above in terms of quality execution of the company's value proposition means looking to develop what we describe as the company's 'brand equity' this is so that the organisation in question arrives at a point where target market customers are not just those who admire the company's products and services but also moving them to a point that they also actually fans of the company in question as well as being seen to consume the organisation's social media marketing as well as blogging content which they regularly share and promote the company with.

Any freelance business consultant uk which it is advisable for companies to make use of as often so many of the complexities involved in creating an effective business development plan that works in line with the unique value proposition that has been decided upon.

So in essence we always advocate that companies focus on quality marketing business strategy development and execution principles that will consists of a component of digital [search engine social media] marketing excellence.

Tuesday, 4 June 2019

appointment and payment reminder systems for businesses

There are of course so many moving parts that need to be taken into consideration when it comes to running a successful business. The company in question does all that it needs to do in order to produce quality products and services and then deliver these products and services to their target clients.

Now depending on the type of business - the amount of dependence that the business put on using aa  Appointment Reminder Software will vary, some of the most relevant types that come to mind are ...
  • Beauty Salons
  • Car Dealers
  • Dentists
  • Financial Advisors
  • Estate Agents
  • Home Carpet Cleaning
  • Mobile Therapists 
  • Delivery Drivers
... as the characteristics of these businesses mean that they are dominated by appointments with customers and when these appointments are missed, the knock on effects for the business are significant with the downtime of the service delivery agents having to be taken into consideration not to mention the amount of monies and revenues that the company loses out on.

This is where a quality Appointment Reminders By SMS software system comes into play that the company can makes use of in order to ensure that customers are reminded of the appointment that they made. These types of software platforms are now being looked upon as an essential part of business operations as the company does want to make sure that all bookings are fulfilled and that their workers are in fact working during the given working hours spending time with customers and generating revenues for the business.

It should be born in mind that the company whilst always considering that they want the customer to be happy and use Google Reviews for Businesses software to boost their reputation; with that said - very best quality appointment and payment reminder system should provide the customer with the ability to communicate back to the customer and inform the company just in case they are not able to make any given appointment - this is one of the main beneficial features of the system as the customer can send messages straight back to the company right from the comfort of their mobile phone.

The other side of the coin can be looked at as when the businesses in question have to chase clients for their monies and end up issuing payment reminders before the customers turn around and pay for their services. Again we state the fact that companies really need to be collecting revenues in order to keep the business turning over and paying its suppliers and fixed costs.


Saturday, 1 June 2019

Google Business Reviews, Customer Feedback And Social Media Sharing

Whether or not companies are actively involved with the development and execution of their own digital marketing strategy development and execution; the owners or those responsible for the marketing of the business will have a level of understanding that having solid Google Business Reviews is something that can only serve to enhance the reputation of the business in question.

The more technically minded marketers and business people will know that positive google reviews using business reputation management software serve to have a positive impact when it comes to search engine rankings - we do know that search engine algorithms continue to evolve, but for sure if one's business shows up within the search engine ranking positionings with a good collection of google reviews associated with it; this can only be a good thing for the business in question.

Now with that said - from a process driven marketing perspective the question arises ...

"how do we as business owners consistently get customers to leave their feedback and post google reviews" ?

... well the response is first of all to ask the customer as a matter of process and to be able to add some level of automation to the whole process. We do know that if customers are asked to leave reviews then we will end up with more reviews [just from a probability statistics point of view], this is as opposed to leaving it to chance for the customer to be so satisfied that they at a later date leave a review. 

So just imagine the typical day in say a beauty salon business, restaurant, estate agencies or maybe a financial advisor. Some of these businesses may service 100s of clients in a day which in many cases should results in 10s of google reviews on a daily basis - but in most cases it does not why ? 

a) because the customer is not being asked to leave those reviews and; 
b) there is no process or automation within the business for collecting reviews ...

... in addition to merely receiving the google reviews, the feedback that customers leave can be collated and used as material to shape any ongoing marketing planning. This will mean that strategy is developed based on actual thoughts and feeling of customers as opposed to guessing what the customer wants.

There will continue to be an ongoing rise in the attention that customers pay to their online reputation management and as businesses invariably need to focus in on their core competences and servicing their clients, this is where Automated Customer Online Reviews platforms such as that offered by come into play.

The system provides three main components that can assist a business with their online reputation management, i.e.

a) collect google business reviews
b) collate customer feedback
c) expand business presence via social media sharing

In addition to the points made above it is convenient that the platform works directly with the customers mobile phone, all that needs to happen is for the customer facing staff to enter the mobile number into the dedicated portal and then the process will begin. 

The business will receive google business reviews that will be displayed direct of google, customer feedback will be collated within the online portal and monthly reports will be provided and those happy customers will be able to share the customers information directly on the customers facebook page .....

..... which will serve to expand the reach of the company as the customers friends will be able to view the positive customer experiences; this is as opposed to posting just on the company's facebook page where only those associated with the business and the facebook page will view the positive comments.

As we continue to live in a search engine centric and internet enabled world - people will continue to look to google business reviews before making a purchase decision - having a defined process, system and automation in place will serve to move the business forwards.


Wednesday, 15 May 2019

automated appointment reminder systems

The complete methodologies that companies are making use of in terms of the development and execution of ways that they communicate with customers are changing. With that said; when it comes to dealing with customer appointments - and note that these appointments can be with other companies as we deal with business to business marketing as well as in terms of business to consumer marketing where appointments may take place within households or say a local coffee shop. Whatever the case - with people living more and more busy lives there are times when people forget to cancel appointments with the company being left with staff with time to fill which could have otherwise been used for other business purposes.

The whole field of digital marketing which consists broadly of social media and search engine marketing - which now we see has evolved to include that of the widespread useage of  appointment reminder system software so that companies can protect downtime that is lost when customers forget to cancel appointments.

Wednesday, 24 April 2019

Getting The Best Out Of Digital And Social Media Marketing

Every business that wants to be successful in today's marketplace must participate in strategic digital marketing and social media campaigns. We are living in a digital world. Operating in an analog frame of mind will do nothing for perpetuating further success.

Stay up with your competition by learning how to ease your way into digital marketing so you can experience all of the benefits it has to offer.

Get a Mentor, Coach, or Consultant : No business can succeed by itself and that is one reason why many companies use a social media digital marketing agency to help them on their way to success. Instead of trying to take on online marketing alone, find a professional who has achieved success in this area.  This could be a mentor, coach, or consultant.

The shortcuts that come along with connecting with people who are already knowledgeable about online marketing are priceless. Not only do you avoid the many different headaches that come with going about things the wrong way, but you will also get a helping hand to ensure that your efforts results in more revenue.

Educate Yourself : A successful business owner is always learning. There are many facets of online marketing and business strategy development, so gain more insight by doing a little research. Do a search for online marketing sites and start reading up on the different options and how they work so you have some idea before you get started.

Download free reports and sign up for e-newsletters on the topic. Go to your local book store, and peruse the many magazines and books about online marketing. Go to your library, and check out some books. You can even upload books to your Kindle reader for extra learning convenience.

Join Networking Groups : Networking groups are just as important in the digital marketing field as they are in the traditional marketing venues. They play an important role in meeting other business owners and like-minded people. The groups themselves are a fantastic support community to encourage and inspire others to prosper and advance.

Find a networking group that fits your company's products or services ñ both online and offline. Ask other business owners how they utilize digital marketing and if there are any recommendations available. You will be amazed at how friendly and helpful even your most fierce competition can be. A winner likes to see others succeed. 

Make your online marketing journey a meaningful and successful one by taking these few steps before jumping in. Laying this foundation for success will make things a lot easier and a lot more profitable at the end of the day.


Monday, 11 March 2019

digital social media strategy development

The whole field of digital marketing strategy development and execution can be used to effectively build the brand of any business and get the message of the company out directly to key target market customers as well as business partners.

Considering Social Media Marketing, there are various platforms that can be used and proven to be effective for marketing; let's take a look at some of them that may be used for digital marketing agency strategy campaign execution.

Facebook Marketing : It seems that brevity is also preferred on Facebook where 40 characters and less seem to do best. Jeff Bullas conducted a study on retail brands on Facebook and found that short posts and particularly those below 40 characters would receive 86% higher engagement.

There are also other research data that show that posts that are on the shorter side tend to perform better when it comes to Facebook Social Media Marketing - this can be particularly true if the objective is to use ChatBot Marketing Agency strategies with the intention of getting clients over to the website for the artificial intelligence robot to take over.

One should bear in mind that people are generally in a hurry bouncing from post to post based on generic social media interaction and behaviour. With that in mind if content happens to be really long, chances are visitors will not spend the time to read and consumer all of the posts.

Using Google+ :
On Google+ your headline should be less than 60 characters. Not only does this serve to maximize the impact in terms of content but also the readability and appearance due to the way that Google+ works. If any piece of information or content happens to be too long; the system will automatically work to truncate the content otherwise it will appear on more than one line.

With all that has been said above; it should be noted that there is actual value to using longer than usual headlines bearing in mind that these longer headlines often appear to peak interest which leads to more people clicking through and reading the complete article.

The approach is to really strive to find some balance and to experiment with shorter and longer headlines in order to maximise effectiveness for your specific business needs.

When developing the content it should be born in mind that in general readers will be able to view the first sentence of the posts; keep this in mind and use this to draw readers in to click through and to read the complete posts.

Content Marketing And Blog Posts : While it's not social media per se - it work perfectly when we are focusing on social media strategy for your retail businesses, chances are that you'll be integrating your social media strategy with content marketing… So how long should a blog post be?

According to a site called 'Medium' the content that gets the most attention is 1,600 words, taking the average reader some seven minutes to read.

When it comes down to it; it appears that developing content that has a lot of depth to it and that provide real solid value to the readers who may well share the content and in turn may end up being paid customers.

Thursday, 7 February 2019

google my business marketing

Four out of five potential customers will conduct local searches by using the major search engines in order to try and seek out what is the right business with associated products and services they need to meet their requirements.

The Google My Business service offering will be incorporated into most bristol digital marketing agency planning and have the ability to connect any company with customers that exists on the end of all of those search engine marketing enquiries.

By paying some attention and with careful consideration any business owner or marketing professional has the ability to generate a no cost method that can serve to attract customers.

Any business owner, marketing professional or even one of the many entrepreneurs that are popping up in our midst given the current economic climate, the individual will always be aiming to  expand the reach of the company by growing its digital marketing footprint by possibly using chatbot marketing with artificial intelligence tools and a key component in this endeavour is developing a Google My Business page.

With the dominance that Google's search engine has amongst us - there will be few people who will disagree that doing all one can do to work along with Google is not a good thing.

Google My Business is a no cost digital marketing tool that serves to put customers in direct contact with companies.

By devoting some quality time that is necessary in order to create an account, any business will be able to completely increase its chances of being found via the search engines, bringing customers into the marketing funnel leading to revenue generation.

As a key component in our Digital Marketing Social Media Agency strategy execution - we set out here to provide guidelines when it comes to developing a Google My Business page, and some of the necessary steps that should be taken in order to use it to act as a part of the strong foundation that is needed when it comes to having a solid digital marketing presence to work for the branding and good of the company in question culminating in lead generation and sales and revenue generating opportunities.
